One thing for sure Is when dealing with a release of any new song or music video, proper scheduling and rollout are crucial to maximizing your opportunity to capture the attention of your fanbase and successfully promote the new content that you have created. Doing your best to be sure that every I is dotted and every T is crossed is an imperative. As you know so much money time and effort go into each new single released that you will certainly want to make the most of your good excuse to engage your audience with an effective PR campaign so great organization are critical. So if a good music video filming schedule is so important, then how long in advance of a music video release should it be filmed?
The music video should be shot and edited before you start promoting a single, the time between the completion of the video and its release should correlate to whatever arbitrary parameter that you have established as a timeline for the rollout. Additionally a one month window would suffice to be sure that you have ample time to deliver the video to all of the various streaming services allowing them ample time to receive and process the new content.
Best Practice
In a typical music video filming schedule artists will release a single followed by a lyric video and then a music video and if you are an upcoming artist the consensus is that it’s best practice to strive to release new music every month in order to keep yourself relevant in the attention of those whom have decided to tune and and follow along with what you are doing.
One important factor to being an independent artist is managing your music video filming schedule. If you need more information of about the timeframe expectations for scheduling your music video production; we have published an informative article. You can read it here!
The Overlap of Content Creation and Promotion
Filming a music video can be a big job. It takes time to scout great locations. Then more time to organize all of the particulars that go into having a successful shoot. After getting all of the shots that you will need. After it’s all finished there is a lot more work to be done. Part of that work will include editing all of that footage into something that you will be confident about sharing.
Once that is all finished you are going to have to switch gears for promotion. Will there be overlap?, probably at times there will be, this is life after all. But, doing your best to maintain your organizational structure is like building a good habit, eventually it will yield dividends. At times there will be unforeseen circumstances that arise. When that happens you’ll have to navigate but hopefully you will have built space into your timelines to account for the worst of confusion.
The important thing is committing to the schedule. But should this treatment be done for each new song you write? To answer that question we have published an informative article. It discusses the why’s and why nots of releasing a video for each new song. Check it out!
Before you begin to promote your single release strategy:
- the single release
- the lyric video release
- the music video release
You will want to be sure and have all of your “ducks in a row”. One of those ducks would be to have edited clips from the music video into a teaser/trailer. That teaser/trailer will be used to promote the upcoming music video. For some great advise for releasing your lyric video; Read this!
In addition to that, still shots or captured frames taken from the video can be useful to the promotion throughout the entire release. If there were any props or items used within the video, they may make for a good giveaway promotion. Be sure to take all of this into account and start forming your plans.
Lastly, if the music video is prepared before the release it is a great visual tool to inform all the other supplemental content and the stylization choices you’ll have to make. That can be helpful to developing a cohesive theme for the song across all of its iterations.
For a great list of places you can release your music video to maximize your exposure; we have a guide. Here it the link!
Tallying Music Video Filming Schedule Time
Writing a song, recording it, and making a music video to showcase that song is not a small undertaking. So good planning and actualization of your plans are essential to maximizing your effort. Some of the important questions you might be asking your self may be the following. How long does it take to even make your video? And, after I’ve made it, how much time should I set aside for editing?
These are great questions to answer for yourself. As far as shooting your video, it may take one, two or three days. With that much time you will be able to get all of the shots you need. That may be followed with a lot more time spent in the editing process. For some people, and for the scope of the video the editing may take weeks.
None of that accounts for the preproduction planning. One good idea may be to start conceiving how the video might look. You should begin thinking about that even when you are just beginning to write the song. That way, by time you’re finally getting down to the brass tacks of making the video, a lot of the idea refinement will be long under way.
Timing Requirements for Digital Streaming Platforms
After you have an idea of how much time it takes to capture and edit your video footage you can then begin the process of sending out your release to the various platforms that can publish your work like Youtube.
The timetables within these platforms to process and review your entry can be up to 2 weeks or more. If you are releasing the video in conjunction with a single release, be sure to leave ample time for the review of each of these respectively. Once you have all of your release dates set you are free to begin your promotion. You want to create as much anticipation as you can amongst your fanbase.
When scheduling your releases and video productions being mindful of your calendar goes without saying. When it comes to planning your calendar around when to shoot your video and wrap the edit, lean towards having ample breathing room. By keeping practices like this you will go far towards mitigating any unpredicted complications should chaos or misfortune rear their ugly heads.
If you are on the fence about getting started because you may not have the help you need. You might want to reconsider. How about just jumping in the deep end and shooting the video entirely alone by yourself. Maybe its more fun with a few friends but if they’re busy what can be done? Here is a link to a an article that explains how you could reasonable shoot a video all alone and by yourself. Good luck!
In parting, when it comes to your artistic prowess, never be afraid to push the envelope, just be sure to allow yourself ample time to push it properly.
music video filming schedule
Organization and consistency are two very useful tools for achieving success. Control the variables you can, keep to task and post new content regularly by keeping a consistent music video filming schedule.
Good luck with your video shoots, and single releases.