There is so much that goes into a single release strategy. One element of that is the Lyric Video. While there are no rules there are helpful starting points. Those starting points are what we are going to do our best to breakdown. In addition to that we will discuss two more useful takeaways to ensure a successful lyric video release strategy..
The Release Strategy
When we are releasing a new single we typically will have a few weeks to start to promote it before the new song is launched on Spotify and on other streamers. You will have a couple of weeks to begin to upload “heads up” videos across your social media accounts. In those videos you can promote the upcoming release. You can also use some behind the scenes footage or discuss what precipitated the writing of the song. Anything to gin up interest in the upcoming release.
To keep your songwriting efforts rolling along. Specifically, so you’ll have more songs to discuss for promotion in the future. Here is a guide to songwriting in 11 steps. Have a look!
So When You Should Release Your Lyric Video
After the single is released you’ll have a couple of weeks ahead of you to promote the song. A lot of bands will release their single and follow that up with a Lyric Video. Typically the Lyric video will be released in the subsequent week. They are usually released before an official music video is. The Lyric Videos are a great way for you to continue to promote your latest single. Using it as a promotional tool will help you to effectively reinforce marketing a bit more. For more about release strategy, here is a link to companion article. It discusses Music Video and Single Release. Save the link!
While there is not an exact protocol; releasing the lyric video one to two weeks after the single is common. However you should feel free to experiment with the release strategy timing. That will help you to narrow in on what works best for you. A week or so after the lyric video you should follow with a the music video.
With keeping a schedule like this you will be set up to release one new song every month. As the year progresses you’ll have ample time to perfect and hone your release strategy. But if you are just beginning this is a good place to start. You could even consider doing a music video for each new song. And you should. For more about that read this guide about a music video for every song. It’s free!
You may also attempt to release the Lyric video in conjunction with the Single. This is especially true if you feel more confident about releasing your single with a visual component.
That way you can promote something on your video platform now, while still building anticipation for a music video release a little bit further down the road. For more tips on promoting your upcoming music video; We recently posted an informative article. Read it here!
Ultimately you do want to do your best to extend and sustain your release for as long as you can. So whatever alternative that you do attempt, keep in mind the value of having an excuse for sustained promotion.
The Investment
When it comes to releasing a lyric video there may be both a time invest and a monetary investment. Especially if you are trying to make a decent product.
A lyric video can range in cost. It can be extremely expensive and flashy. Or, it can also be simpler. You could cut all the cost if your are willing to do it DIY. While there is certainly a discrepancy between very expensive and Free there is no discrepancy in regards to having content. There is a lot of value that comes from putting forth an effort into making one. Lyric videos can not be undervalued as a tool of promotion.
Since your lyric video release strategy is built on timing. You should plan that the simplest lyric video will take a few short hours for you to whip up. It does require that you have some video editing software. That timeframe of a few short hours is based on you being up to speed with how to use your editor.
At the most basic level you’d start by creating PNG files of the lyrics. Then you’d place them over static graphic designed images that are positioned over your audio track. You would extend the PNG files to coincide with the timing and delivery of that sentence of lyrics.
Before long you’d be done and you’d have created one more piece of content that is highly effective in your overall release.
Why A Lyric Video
The better question is “why not?” especially after the last paragraphs description of exactly how easy a rudimentary Lyric Video is to produce. The value in creating a Lyric Video is that it helps you to extend constant sustained promotion. That means to say when you are releasing your single you are going to be constantly pushing it.
That makes the lyric video another good and useful excuse to resend more updates about the release because it will be the newest piece of content in the release cycle.
What is cool about the lyric video is that it displays all of the lyrics for the song and that is great for your listeners because it gives them the word by word read through.
For the fans that are highly engaged especially, the lyric videos are a great tool to help them learn the song. Those fans, the serious ones just want to sing a long. So making the lyric video in addition to giving you one more thing to promote, helps those hardcore fans to better enjoy the whole release.
In Conclusion
I know that a lot goes into these release strategies and that an artist has so much riding on them. It goes without saying that we’d want to put our best foot forward. That said you can rest assured that implementing a strategy where you have a single release followed by a lyric video and then the official music video is certainly reasonable and your should feel comfortable in giving it ago.
Release and promote your singles on spotify. For more about the Pros and Cons of using Spotify, we have a great article. Check it out!
You can also rest assured that you are well within common sense to adjust the timing of your releases according to whatever trends you notice with your releases.
This process while not entirely about experimentation has room for it. especially if you are keeping a monthly release schedule of new music. If you are doing that then their is certainly room for seeing what works best.
With everything you have going I wish you the best with your lyric video release strategy. I hope that you are able to find satisfying results to all aspects of your project.