Whether you are referring to the signature portion of your song as a chorus or as hook is neither here nor there. What does matter is that you have been working very diligently to improve your...
Category: Songwriting and Composition
Sitting down to record is all fine and good. In fact, it is likely you have been waiting to do just that for along time. The only problem is your not ready. Your songs need an upgrade. Today...
If you would like to get started writing songs than I want to be as much as a help to you as possible. For me writing songs has been the absolute backbone of the entirety of my life. Along the way...
If you are getting into songwriting and have been looking for a better understanding of the fundamental steps of songwriting than this guide is for you. Songwriting is an art form and every...
Getting better at songwriting is the game, and you’re in it. So rather then spending all day searching the Internet trying to figure out how to get some kind of a record deal why not...